Christos Lamprou: Stamati Orphanos’ Evaluation by Athens Goalkeepers Academy Led to His Move to Atlético Madrid

On the occasion of young goalkeeper Stamatis Orfanos’ move to Atlético Madrid through the Athens Goalkeepers Academy, the Head of AGA, Christos Lamprou, made the following statement:

“The transfer of Stamati Orfanos to Atlético Madrid just a few months before his 15th birthday is another milestone for the Athens Goalkeepers Academy. Despite being born and raised in Canada, at a crucial point in his football career, he decided to trust our Academy, and this brings us great joy.

While most of his football education was received in Canada, where he has lived until now, the fact that he followed two key stages of the AGA Training Methodology – evaluation and guidance – was crucial in fulfilling his dream of joining a club like Atlético.

This transfer once again demonstrates that the training, evaluation, and guidance methodology of the Athens Goalkeepers Academy yields results, as it has done with other goalkeepers in the past.

We draw expertise from the biggest clubs abroad and from our collaboration with top goalkeeper coaches in Europe. We strive to pass on this expertise and culture to goalkeepers and coaches throughout Greece, through the daily training program of our Academy and the National Goalkeepers Network.

All we ask from our athletes is hard work, faith, and dedication.

We thank Stamatis and his family for their trust. We wish him a successful career at Atlético Madrid and a smooth transition to his new life in Spain.

We will always be by your side!”

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