For the second time in 4 months, goalkeepers of the Athens Goalkeepers Academy traveled today to Spain. 11 of them, who were evaluated by AGA, will be now evaluated by Atletico Madrid and other Spanish clubs.
The Athens Goalkeepers Academy athletes and staff will stay in Spain until Sunday, January 9th. Their accommodation and food takes place in the facilities of the Spanish champion.

“Athens Goalkeepers Academy is the only Goalkeeping Academy in Greece that offers such opportunities and experiences. What we want from our athletes is to give their best, because such opportunities are so rare. If there is interest from a Spanish club for one of our athletes, the AGA Agency is here to take care of every detail”, commented the Head of the AGA Agency, Mr. Konstantinos Lamprou.

The goalkeepers are accompanied by the Head of AGA, Mr. Christos Lamprou, and the Director of the AGA Agency, Mr. Konstantinos Lamprou.